

i forgot that i've ever gone to detention. until today.

tangents lead to tangents and me and my best friend end up talking about the 6th grade. and included in these amiable memories was the fact that we were sentenced to detention.

i told my mom this and she said "the smart kids? detention?" lol.

it wasn't something bad.
i remembered something about "guns" but jane didn't. but then i put two and two together...i think.
so the story was that we (me, kat and jane and a few others, i think...the rest of the "smart kids" i guess) were planning a balloon fight (water balloon fight, i assume) to be held at school. we got in trouble because our names were on the note that was being passed around.

(water) balloon fight != detention

so...we must have been talking about water guns on the note too. maybe something akin to "we'll bring guns"

guns = detention. it must be.

we each had to call our parents and explain why we were going to detention. that must have been interesting.
too bad the parentals don't remember. that would have been funnier.

and ends the memory. immortalized on a blog so i don't forget it ever again.

haha. detention for planning a water balloon fight. i guess.

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