
reminiscing | and | puppy therapy

i was in need of time to clear my mind...and with no beach nearby...the dog park was the next best thing.

playing with puppies does WONDERS for my mentality.

but before that...

i decide to go have lunch at ono's today and as i sat there waiting for my food i saw someone at the counter who looked ridiculously familiar. could it really be my 6th grade teacher, mr. foss? no way.

he got his food and sat at the corner opposite me. for some reason i had to think of a game plan. do i go up to him before getting my food? after i finish eating? what if he finishes eating before i do? how do i stop him?

i end up finishing my food first and decide to go up to him. SO AWKWARD at first.
long story short...he recognized me in an instant and took a few seconds to remember my name. we chatted for a good half hour (if not more) about what has happened in the last 10 or so years since we've seen each other and things like that. it was cool.

then off to the dog park.
i loooooove puppies. played with presley...this beautifully coated dog named pearl (i wanted to spell pearl like perl, YUCK)...and a few other gorgeous dogs.
saw a shiba inu! but didn't get to play with it =\
there were HELLA huskies (alliteration, harhar).
all in all lifting my spirits and helping me let go of the anger from the night before.

i forgave him. i can't hold grudges for too long. that's good right?

then spent some time with two friends that ive known for HELLA long. basically since i moved to stockton...okay maybe the year after i moved here. so since we were like 3 or 4 years old. good times.

overall, good day.

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