
the power of | awkward

i don't know if anyone has ever underestimated the feeling awkwardness...all i know is that i am a strong believer in its powerful effects on people.

awkwardness, for one, is one of the easiest things to emphasize with. we've all been there...in an awkward turtle type of moment. so when we see it happen, in person or on screen, we feel it...we know what they're going through. and all we can hope is for that moment to pass.

awkward moment #1.
singing at church. now i know i don't have an amazing voice or anything or think im better than people, but i know what "good" is supposed to sound like....blame it on piano, whatever. i shiver at a bad note.
and today, the harmonizing was baaaad =x sources tell me they're seasoned singers and for some reason could not pull it off today.
do i cringe? hide it and bear it? remind myself that God loves us anyways so long as we're singing for Him?

awkward moment #2.
on our way to dinner, my parents start talking about googling and facebook. they GOOGLED me and fishy. my DAD has a FACEBOOK. if that's not the definition of awkward i don't know what is. thank goodness not toooo much comes up when i'm googled...but facebook is a different story. thank goodness for privacy settings. i'll be changing those as soon as i can.

awkward moment #139440294853.
me and fishy watched "i love you, man" today. really FUNNY movie. please go watch it. its FULL of the awkward. but awkward moments only compel you to do something about it...to make it less awkward...save yourself from the awkward...or unfortunately fail at saving self from awkwardness and making it even MORE awkward.

i emphasize with awkward.
i am awkward.
this blog is awkward =x
oh well.

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