

A girl drives into the parking lot of a mall. She walks towards the entrance of Dillard's with a "get in-get out" mindset. There is one guy about 15 steps ahead of her already near the door. They make eye contact.

The guy reaches for the door.

(turns around)
(with an alterior motive, almost flirtatiously)
hey, how you doin'?

(trying to be cool, calm)
i'm alright.

Guy opens door.

(creepily attempting to be inviting)
so do you like to party?

Guy keeps door open for girl.

(almost hastily, trying to escape any further conversation)
most days...

They walk into the store. Girl attempts to pick up the pace to get away.

most days? so is that a yes?

i guess.

Girl continues in attempts to give him the slip.

let me give you my card. i'm a...

(realizing what he was and attempting to be slightly nicer and therefore slowing her pace)
oh. you're an event...

guy (cont.):

guy and girl:


Girl walks away, further into the store. Guy heads toward entrance.

my name is...

Girl looks at card.


it's on the card. you should email me. i have an event in april.

Guy walks out and girl walks deeper into the store confused by this unexpected approach.

should i have said "no" to have avoided the whole conversation? would that have stopped him? what did i do to make him talk to me?

i was pretty sure i had "hi. and bye. i'm busy and i don't want to talk to you" written on my forehead.

i guess not.



i forgot that i've ever gone to detention. until today.

tangents lead to tangents and me and my best friend end up talking about the 6th grade. and included in these amiable memories was the fact that we were sentenced to detention.

i told my mom this and she said "the smart kids? detention?" lol.

it wasn't something bad.
i remembered something about "guns" but jane didn't. but then i put two and two together...i think.
so the story was that we (me, kat and jane and a few others, i think...the rest of the "smart kids" i guess) were planning a balloon fight (water balloon fight, i assume) to be held at school. we got in trouble because our names were on the note that was being passed around.

(water) balloon fight != detention

so...we must have been talking about water guns on the note too. maybe something akin to "we'll bring guns"

guns = detention. it must be.

we each had to call our parents and explain why we were going to detention. that must have been interesting.
too bad the parentals don't remember. that would have been funnier.

and ends the memory. immortalized on a blog so i don't forget it ever again.

haha. detention for planning a water balloon fight. i guess.



"babe" or "baby"
DO NOT call me this. especially if you don't even know me. even more so when you're helping me out at a shop.
i CRINGE when i hear couples call each other by these overused pet names. PET NAMES. do you really want to call your significant other (or have them call you) by a name otherwise used for a pet (if taken literally of course).
slap me if i ever call you babe. i'll do the same. lol.
oh yah. just because you're filipina and i'm filipina and you think you know my relatives. eww. why would you call me babe or baby? for some reason. sweetie|honey seems more appropriate. baby. *shivers*

talking with a full mouth
1) how do you expect to be understood when youre chewing. food makes mumbles even worse.
2) it looks gross
3) i can hear you chewing
4) just breathe, chew and then finish your sentence. that simple.

unneccessary mockery
if someone isn't laughing. stop. or i'll do the same to you. is it funny? probably not. so quit.


happy | valentines | day

i haven't said that in awhile.
because i decided to be bitter for a few years and called it "single awareness day"

but for the first time...i'm (decently) happy being single and am appreciating love for love.

so...happy valentine's day <3

i FINALLY got to see my gay friday night at fuz in sunnyvale.

i had hella fun /*minus the unnecessary drama at the end of the night =x*/
project em mans are sexies
i love gays...they make me feel good :D
the gay world is SMALL.

have u ever tried to go to sleep and the ticking from the clock just got LOUDER and LOUUUDER? that was me last night. w00t.

did i mention that project em mans are sexies?

ate lunch at squat and gobble. i miss farmer's market at ucsd.

massive pillow fight was madness!

got to watch "the vagina monologues" (my vday tradition at ucsd).
i must say...sf pwns sd.
i loved their interpretations...especially of...
'the vagina workshop'
'because he liked to look at it'
'say it'
'my angry vagina'
'little coochie snorcher that could'
'reclaiming cunt'
'the woman who loved to make vaginas happy'
basically everything. good job usf <3

grilled cheese sandwiches on sourdough are AMAZING.

good vibes <3


tears | i didn't realize i still had

ok, so i lie.
i know these tears exist...i just never know when it's gonna happen...because i'm not always sure what will spark them.

these tears are for my lola.

i think about her everyday, but i don't cry everyday.
but even after almost 3 years...it still hurts.

i was going through some stuff and attempting to organize (yet again) and i come across a card from her.

it was the last birthday card she sent me. and just seeing her handwriting i guess sort of freaked me out...and the tear ducts welled up and tears started streaming down my face.

i also cleaned out the bathroom drawers the other day...and found a business card with which i believe was also her handwriting...and it pretty much said "i will return"


i miss you. i'll never forget you. life is never-ending bittersweetness when i think of you.


new | favorite

first there was 'the sweetest thing'.
then came 'how to lose a guy in ten days'
then 'love actually'
and of course there was 'hitch'

and the many chick flicks, romantic comedies (whatever you want to call them) before their time...during...and after.

of course the four i've mentioned aren't the greatest rom|coms...but they're definitely (definitely? maybe...oh! that's on my list too! 'definitely, maybe') my favorites.

i do believe i've added another movie to my list of faves...
'he's just not that into you'

i read the book before hand (very loosely adapted i guess...considering it was a self-helpish book on relationships) and went in not having too many expectations except that considering the exciting cast...i had some high hopes of it being good.

and it definitely was.

i haven't related|sympathized|empathized|reacted so strongly to a movie in quite awhile...and i didn't leave feeling bitter|jealous|'ugh i just watched another cutesie chick flick'...i genuinely enjoyed it (with a few banters here and there because of the 'jerks' in the movie).

i enjoyed it.
i would pay to watch it again.
i can't wait for it to go to dvd so i can watch it whenever i want to watch a chick flick.

//i hope i didn't forget any other faves...if i did...i'll most likely come back to this, ;D


lots of | love

gabe bondoc makes me happy. i want one like him, haha yah right.

i love abc thursdays (but i also love abc sundays, cw mondays, and fox tuesday|wednesdays...i guess that makes me a love whore. oops).
ugly betty needs to bring gio back because jesse made me sad by being a selfish bastard.
grey's anatomy made me giggle too much.

nkotb + quest crew = LOVE.
my top three...well now i'm not so sure...at first i was pretty sure that quest crew | beat freaks | strikerz were gonna be the top three...but them fly kicks are pretty dope. sorry dynamic edition...y'all are cool...but you may be out next week. maybe.

i love arts & crafts. but i go ADD if i do the same thing too long...hence millions of unfinished jewelry projects...but my current project cannot be left without completion since they are for my apong baket's (grandma on my dad's side...ilocano) 90th birthday! waaaah. madness.

i'm exciiiiited for "he's just not that into you" and SFMoMA.
i'm even more exciiiiited for next week (fionna...excited for valentines? meh...i just wanna dance)



im missing | CDs!!!


so im near the end of the process of "organizing" all my CDs (and my mom's)...and there are SO MANY that i have yet to find!

and i'm kind of freaking out? is that gross? or is it justifiable?

i hope i find them soon...i don't want to buy them all over again...not that they will be that expensive (i hope)...and i don't plan on dLing anymore...i've done my share of that, haha.

//randoms cuz i feel like it
- yay steelers? i wanted the cardinals to win (woo underdogs!) but they put on a good fight...oh well.
- i ate too much today...i feel fat(ter)
- there are too many questions/doubts in my head now about things (yes, i love ambiguity)
- i'm really sad about my elliot yamin cd...i mean i have it on my laptop but STILL. rawr.
- i have a lot of things i want to do tomorrow and i still have yet to make a list...and as im typing this that list in my head is slowly disappearing...
- i can't believe its february already.

that's all. <3