
its been | a year

hello october 2009.

it has been a year since i left san diego and i can't believe it has happened so fast.

a lot has happened, but most importantly a deadline was reached.
i told myself to find a job in 3 months...then in 6...then a year. should i reach a year...i would consider going back to school.

finding a job has been the most difficult task i had set for myself since moving back to stockton. and i was almost out of hope...until yesterday.

i just want to say that i am so thankful | relieved | excited.

bring it ;D


3x | what you see | is not what you get

so i just noticed that my last 3 blogs were all in the emo|angry category.

i promise you i am not always like that.

and you'd think i would rather blog about happy things rather than the not so positive moments. but i guess i've been using this blog for venting.

i think its easier for me to write about the "bad" stuff because i need to get it out of my system.

just thought i'd let you know this isn't me 24|7.

i have my happy moments.

examples? sure.
-- had a good time making dinner (and dessert) with my sister for our mom and dad's birthdays.
-- ate the most amazing coffee creme brulee EVER.
-- fun times with my cousin for his birthday.
-- seemingly passed my photography passion to my Godson.
-- got to hang out with and rekindle my bestfriendship

see? i didn't forget you, happy memories.
and it's not really a suppression of you, either.
it's just that i'm too busy living it.
i hope that's okay.


my | patience

has been ridiculously tested this weekend.

thank goodness it will be over tomorrow.

i've never felt worse for being impatient|angry.

they are SO not getting my body language clues. and technically they are being rude.

generational gap?

question: who the heck speaks more during a tv show than when the commercials are on? WTF.

there hasn't been like..more than a minute of silence.

make it stop.


i know you mean well | but

dont. just dont.

you have no idea what its like.
try to emphasize. please.
and stop badgering me about it every time you get a chance to breathe one word to me.

i'd rather you not bring it up.
i'll bring it up when there are updates. i promise. really.

i need to do this on my own.


breaking | point

my spirit is just completely crushed right now.

and while today wasn't one of those bad days (overall)...i think it was just the accumulation of several low points and keeping those feelings pent up for so long that i've reached my limit.

i had to let out these emotions today.

so i let out some tears.

i know i should talk it out...but i feel stupid and shamed. i want to be able to deal with this on my own.

i used to go to (la jolla) shores to clear my mind and de-stress. i wish i had an equivalent safe haven here.

so here's praying that this too shall pass.


gettin my | bling bling baubles | on

i attended an advanced wire working class today.
i was the youngest by a longrun.
i think that's supposed to make me feel good...right? haha.

anywho...i took a wire working class back in san diego and it has been good to me but ive been itching to get better at it and a learn a few more things.

i now know how to make my own headpins AND jumprings! but i think im gonna lay off the jumprings...WAAAYYY too much work.
we ran out of time to learn the "basket weave"...so hopefully i can catch the instructor at another time.

the necklace i ended up making from the bracelets we worked on in class (got it? haha) is probably the most expensive thing i've made...well maybe aside from the bracelet i made in my first wire working class haha.

/*oh and that music note looking thing...i made that! im so proud of myself :D*/

and of course they are on my fb also [click|here]

yay <3


irritable | routine

i don't mind routine.
wake up. eat. stuff. eat. stuff. eat. stuff. sleep.

routine is life.

but routine conversation? especially ANNOYING routine conversation?
please. don't torture me.

every(work)day, my dad greets me when he gets home from work.
normal right?
this is what he says when he sees me: "what are you doing?"
oh i dont know. how about a "hi" instead?

every(work)day, my mom calls the house phone to tell us she's on the way home.
normal right?
this is how my dad answers the phone: "are you home?" "no? aww..."
how about...she does this EVERYDAY. she's not home yet.

how does she handle this?
its so annoying.

love him. but argh.

and as with routine...
i'll probably be just as irritated tomorrow.
that's a routine i'd like to break, thanks.


bling bling | baubles

i love alliteration ;D

it's been maybe a year since i've made anything new...and i finally got re-inspired to work on some jewelry that have just been kinda sitting in my art|project box.

if i were to have a business...bling bling baubles would probably be its name, haha!



definitely more to come!
im excited hehe.
ill probably post here...but just in case i forget or get lazy...
pictures will be up on my fb [blingblingbaubles]

catchy isn't it? ;D


3.5wk | life recap

man. i super fail with this blog. haha =x
and i dont even update my fb as much anymore (sans status of course)...

so here's what ive been up to since my last update:

- american idols tour 2009 pix|ici
- harry potter and the half blood prince screening
- harry potter and the half blood prince midnight showing
//yes there's a difference, haha!
- red velvet cream puffs take 2 pix|ici
- academy of science
- sockhop hosted by funksf
- comic con 2009 pix|ici
- harry potter and the half blood prince IMAX
- gapa runway 21

i think those are all the significant things. i dont even know how to elaborate on them all.

i guess ive been pretty busy ;D

random notes related to said events:
- my love for harry potter >>>>>> my love for twilight. as evidenced by the number of times ive seen the 6th movie. but im still excited for the new moon movie...all thanks to seeing the panel at comic con haha.
- ai tour felt RUSHED...im not sure why but it just did. and i didn't get to see adam. boo.
- going to see the sytycd tour! excitedish. haha. there's something about this season of ai|sytycd that just doesn't grab me as much =\
- red velvet cream puffs were definitely better looking this time around...but im still working on the perfect recipe. i might revert back to (my) traditional cream puffs...someday...
- comic con is MADNESS. but it was totally worth it this year.
- i still love|hate boys that dance. haha!
- gapa runway FTW. im such a hag. lol.

im not gonna promise anything, but i hope i blog again sooner than later ;D


red velvet cream puff | experiment | take 1

so i make cream puffs. and i think they're pretty awesome.
and then red velvet cake (or cupcakes) become the rage (even though they're technically a classic, right?).

so then i thought...
what if i make red velvet cream puffs?!

this week wasn't the first time i thought about it, but today was my first day of action.

result? quasi-fail.

baked twice today, thinking the first time went wrong because i used a different butter...when in fact...i think im almost certain that it was my timing.

they look weird.
not so puffy and the white chocolate drizzle on top in fact looks like mozzarella cheese (hah!).
but if you close your eyes...they taste pretty good :D

i took pictures...but i don't feel like posting them. i am shame.

round 2 this weekend!


remembering | michael jackson

i woke up expecting to just catch bits and pieces of mj's memorial (i assumed it was done hella early).

how perfect that i woke up in time to catch the entire thing.

i think...his death has been surreal...even today...and it didn't hit me until i realized his brothers were carrying michael's casket into the spotlight at staples center. wow.

i teared up | cried | laughed | smiled | reminisced the whole time.

didn't expect to cry, heh.

many moments were perfect tribute. these were the most touching (to me):
- usher's performance
- jennifer hudson
- queen latifah reciting dr. maya angelou's poem
- brooke shields
- john mayer on the guitar (i LOVED this)
- jermaine
- heal the world (judith hill is my new fav artist)
- smokey robinson
- shaheen jafargholi

didn't expect paris to speak, and when she did, like many, it was all over and i teared.

i love michael for his gift of music, entertainment and humanitarianism.
i'll remember him for that.



life|resolutions - half year|update

happy july!

i figured i would check myself on my resolutions. and to be honest i dont think i've been too hardcore. but it's ok. there's still another 6 months :D


1. be healthier. by being watchful of what i eat and exercising.
  • i think im doing pretty good here. been maintaining my weight so far and give myself some cheat days. next 6 months...i need to lose!

2. be quick to forgive. because life is too short to be angry for too long.
  • i definitely give myself atleast 12hours to 1day of anger. and then it's like...dammit. i forgive you =x

3. read. because i miss reading for fun. and i would like to extend my vocabulary.
  • i know i read a few books. angels&demons and hp6. more to come :D

4. blog. daily reflection is good for the soul. and i want to remember as much as i can about my life.
  • ok this one i need to work one.

5. sharpen my skills. because not having a job sucks right now but if i don't continue to practice those skills i may never find the job i want.
  • this one too =x

6. be closer with God. by continuing to go to church every sunday and by reading the bible.
  • i've been consistent...but i think i'll add more reading (stopped after lent. bad!)

7. be smart(er) with money. because i've been way too careless before and i need think about what i actually need versus what i just want.
  • i've been getting better at this. thinking before buying. need vs want. i'm getting there!

8. be happy. no regrets. take life as it is. everything happens for a reason. ultimate life mantra.
  • definitely.


go me! haha.


i [love|miss] my gay

we had a 90 minute conversation on the speculation of gayness of x; whom we have dubbed 'moho'.
MoHo7 to be exact.
and our conversations are duly noted as "OperationMoHo7."

i cant or shouldnt say much.
except that this operation will definitely be interesting.

our conversation made me miss him. and i love him for his madness. haha.


i love | shia

the end. haha.

ok, on the real though?
i do love him. and i wish people didn't hate him and call him a douche bag so much. but its ok.

some say he's a bad actor. but can a bad actor really pull of losing your mind to prime signs?


transformers 2 was...pretty good. definitely bigger, "more" in all aspects in comparison to the first movie...but i don't think it's gonna be my favorite movie for the summer.

watched it in IMAX. i dont know if it was worth it.

someone said they liked it better than dark knight. i disagree.

in conclusion...
love you shia, but im more excited to watch hp6.

oh and isabel lucas? WTF.



i | feel:

when it comes to my internet service.
boo at&t. but i looked up comcast and it aint that great either.
hopefully it will be better saturday.

and hyper-effeminate.
when i get my nails done.
but man did i need that shiatsu massage.

when i eat unhealthy.
but sometimes i can't help it. YUM.

excited and childlike.
when i step into an office supply store. sometimes i don't know what to do with myself.
i love postits?
when i get new toys.
my new camera came in today. i LOVE it.

when i'm watching sytycd.
i love dancing.


so goodnight <3.


words | to live by

Today is the day

Mend a quarrel. Search out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed.

Keep a promise. Find the time. Forego a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you were wrong. Try to understand. Flout envy. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Appreciate, be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more.

Deserve confidence. Take up arms against malice. Decry complacency. Express your gratitude. Worship your God. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it again. Speak it still again. Speak it still once again.

this is how i want to live. and day by day...slowly but surely...i think i am getting there :D


summer movie | madness

i FINALLY watched star trek!
and it was bomb.com

i couldn't ask for more. and now im tempted to watch some old episodes and movies, hah.

the longer trailer for HP6 has me freakin EXCIIIITED and i can't wait!!! aaaaahhh.
not to mention REVENGE of the FALLEN.

watching UP tomorrow.

i love summer <3



i feel like such a failure.


update [leaving it up to | fate]

original blog [01.09.09]

today i had an "in-house" (?) interview with widgetbox.

to be honest? i think it was my best interview to date.
i'm not bragging...it's just this gut feeling.
that was the most positive i've ever felt leaving an interview, and i'll appreciate the experience, regardless of whether or not they offer the position to me (of course i'll hope that they do).
even with getting a $50 parking ticket...the good vibes seemed to overpower any negativity.

i thought...today is the day i go back to borders.

i went there with no expectations...first attempting to see if the 50% off DVD sale was still going on (it wasn't).
wandered into the journal section to see if the journal i saw 5 months and 2 days ago was still there.

what do you know. it's the last one. defaced nonetheless, but only with the word "christina" written on the first page.

thank you christina, wherever you are, for writing your name, deciding not to buy it, and getting me a 10% discount.

journal, me and you, were meant to be :D
and fate? i hope things turn out with the job. i did all i can do and again leave the rest to widgetbox and you.



to bejeweled blitz on facebook.

and its not even funny man...i waste my life on it =\

at least im not addicted to mafia wars?

note to self:
please stop playing so much!

if i ever get passed 100k...ill stop. or at least better limit my play time...



the only one.

i guess i find comfort in that fact.

and even though i was pretty sure about it before...i think reading an article about it just made it real to me.


its gonna be a good | week(end)

i can feel it.

ive been feeling good vibes since about 345p today.

- phone screen went well
- scheduled an in person interview
- did a little shopping
- KRIS ALLEN made it through to the finals for american idol
- im going to SD for the weekend
- spending next week in the city

i really couldn't ask for more.



sleepless | in san francisco

and before i rant...


happy mama day!


long story short - came to the city today to watch sister's pcn and to celebrate mama day. im sure when im not cranky and sleepless and baggy-eyed...i'll report a happier story...

laid my head on my pillow here at the hotel at 1AM.

2.5 hours later...i am writing a blog.

why you say?
ear-torturing snores.

2 bed hotel room. parents one bed. me and sister in another.

my sister is lucky enough to be dead tired from pcn.

i on the other hand...have enough trouble falling asleep as it is...let alone attempting to fall asleep under aforementioned ambiance.

i tried to listen to my music.
then resorted to reading 'angels & demons' while listening to my music.

should i just try to wake them up?
i dont think it will matter. they will still fall asleep faster than me and return to noise before i slip into subconsciousness.


i have to wake up in 5 hours. how much you want to bet im going to finish the book before i knock out...if i knock out.

im afraid i wont get any shut eye until we drive back home...



so two weeks ago, me and fishy went back to the postsecret gallery in walnut creek to have a better|more complete time with the secrets (because attempting to look at everything after the event with all the other event attendees was a bit much...overwhelming in fact).


when we were here for the event there weren't as many cards. there's two tables and theres hundreds!

they displayed the postcards on these clear panels, so you could see the front and back of the secrets.

and last but definitely not least...
secrets that spoke to me:



i feel...

like im losing friends.
that im more judgmental than i let on or admit.
that i talk too much to the "wrong" people - wrong only because i feel what i tell them in confidence isn't so concealed.
like friends are talking about me - about concerns|judgments i have about them.
like people don't understand me anymore.

like running away|shutting myself out of lives|disappearing|hiding in my shell.


i read a friend's blog...and although "anonymously" talking about a topic...i really feel like its talking about ME.
i don't remember if we talked about that stuff recently. but its all about things i would have or have already said.

i try to blame others...
but there is no one truly to blame but myself.

it was mostly concern. honest concern.
then i guess it turned into disappointment and disbelief.
and now maybe its a little bit of jealousy and fear of them unwilling to trust me with certain things anymore.

maybe i should just cut my tongue off and keep shut from now on.
because i dont have the balls to be the one to confront.
dont know if i want to be the one confronted, either...


ok that must be | it

i have a dream blog.
but its still empty.

and since i can't remember all the details...i'll just put it here.

all i remember is...
being at a pcn show
navy blue
packing/putting food away(?)

so when i woke up i checked my handy dandy dream dictionary and basically...

my subconscious is telling me that i love dancing...miss it...and should get over my fear of judgement and just dance.
and maybe the same fears about weight|appearance and moving away from home? yah.
and probably the fact that i miss being in a pcc.

the end. :D


twitter | took over my life

so much for updating everyday (but that's been a lie for quite some time).

so lent came and went. and on easter morning i reDLed facebook onto my iphone.

3 days later i joined twitter.

hence the absence, haha.

highlights (-) and blogs i plan on writing (*)
- watched berkeley's pcn. made me excited to watch PCC (UCSD KP) and made me miss the good old days
- got to hang out with some HOMEies...TWICE in one week. first time in a long @ss time.
- on a new "workout" plan (hah). maybe this is a * too

* postsecret|revisited
* ihateboyswhodance (ok maybe just a -. we'll see)

- finding lots of friends on twitter. yay!
- trying not to be THAT addicted
- i learned a new piece on the piano --> "falling slowly"
- found the "bedknobs and broomsticks" dvd at borders for 50% off. chhyyeeeaaayuh.
- might try out tumblr. MIGHT.

i can't think of anything else.
i fail you blog. je suis desolee.
i'll be back more often, i (hope to) promise...


stuck | in a rut

that's what i've been feeling lately.


but it's not like all of it is negative|emo|pessimistic.
but i'm not saying being stuck is a good thing either (who would?).

between my heaviest and my lightest, i lost over 25 pounds last year.
now i'm yo-yo-ing in my progress. not in the sense where im 10 pounds heavier|lighter. but it's more like 5 pounds. technically that is normal in weight shift...but i'm trying to lose weight!
i must be...
- not trying hard enough
- eating more than i think i am
gaaah. where's the motivation? i've lost it somewhere...i don't know. sometimes i'm like "yes! i am going to do this" and other days i just want to be a vegetable.
//be positive. find new fun ways to exercise. be patient.

it's SO HARD looking for a job right now. so fucking hard. and i know its partly because of the economy...but still. really?
it's beginning to make me doubt myself. ALOT.
am i smart enough?
does anybody want me?
did i lose it?
i study and review (although probably not as hardcore as i should be)...and still nothing.
//be positive. keep studying. be patient.

my social life is in socal. i miss it. but i love home. and i've been hanging out with my sister more. which i love.
i don't like traveling down there so much anymore cuz i'm MAD BROKE.
my dad drives me NUTS. i'm 22 and living at home...but that doesn't mean you treat me like a teenager.
where are you going? who are you going with? what time are you coming home? why so late? again? why?
seriously. do i ask you about everything?
ok it's not just social life. just my life. what are you doing? what did you get in the mail? did you order something? what did you buy?
seriously, just stop.
//be positive. keep living. be patient.

and frustrated.
and having a hard time dealing with it. and admitting it.

but i will get through this. it will pass. i'll get my break. i'll behappy(er).


makes me | happy

watching live shows really REALLY makes me happy.
and lately, every show i have been to has only made me love and respect that artist (or artists) even more.

last night me and fishy were at the first show of india.arie's latest tour.

laura izibor opened. my new favorite artist! pianist and vocalist. and she made it look SO easy. love her style!

india was...nothing short of amazing. she's so real and raw and her talent is SO beyond that of many other artists. i love her voice.

listening to her music is therapy.



oh | lodi

how random my day was because of you!

me and maggie went to watch 'the reader' today and the only place showing it was lodi stadium 12.

today was my first time at this theater...and downtown lodi for that matter.

//it was a really good movie btw. no wonder she won best actress for it. now to read the book...

so after watching the movie we decided to wander around the downtown area because it was cute and we were curious and we're usually up for the random stroll.

lodi downtown is kind of like a mix between...westwood|3rd street santa monica|downtown la jolla in a sense were everything is boutique-ish...walkable...quasi expensive...white dominated (yah i said it)...interesting.
it also had a...somerset (small town from the movie 'the sweetest thing') and pleasantville vibe to it as well.

//randomest|most interesting part of my day
we walk into a sweet shoppe and want to grab some frozen yogurt. we were just talking about how we prefer pay by weight vs cup because i honestly thing you get a better deal with weight...cuz u get whatever you want and pay for it...and most people are shady with the toppings that cost more than they should.
so the frozen yogurt at the back of the store and the cups are nearby and the girl was not tending to us...so we assumed it was self serve. just as maggie pulled down the lever the girl quasi yells at us to say that she was supposed to do it. i don't think there are any words to describe those next few minutes of conversational exchange. my only conclusion was that the girl was STONED. it was hilarious. and im sad i can't describe it to you.
a few words of advice to the owners - if you don't want us to attempt to self-serve our fro-yo...put the cups BEHIND the counter so we won't touch. kapeesh?

we continue to walk around. after finishing the fro-yos we start walking into stores. let's just say whatever you think you're getting into when you see the store...is totally different by the time you get in.
1) "urban store" is really a children's store but had a few surfer|skateboard brands at the display.
2) book store was actually a CHRISTIAN book store...didn't realize it until we opened the doors. first time ive ever seen a christian book store that didn't have the word christian or family in the store name
3) shoe store whose window display included vans and other sk8r shoes was actually a shoe store whose demographics were much older (or younger...or...well for people old enough to have kids and their kids)

false advertising! haha. all good.

there were tons of bars|wine tasting places and a place where you can paint your own pottery.

i'll definitely be heading back.


//other thoughts of the day
- im EXCITED for the asparagus festival
- there are HELLA movies to watch. i love this season.
- i<3matt|anoop|adam|kris


the power of | awkward

i don't know if anyone has ever underestimated the feeling awkwardness...all i know is that i am a strong believer in its powerful effects on people.

awkwardness, for one, is one of the easiest things to emphasize with. we've all been there...in an awkward turtle type of moment. so when we see it happen, in person or on screen, we feel it...we know what they're going through. and all we can hope is for that moment to pass.

awkward moment #1.
singing at church. now i know i don't have an amazing voice or anything or think im better than people, but i know what "good" is supposed to sound like....blame it on piano, whatever. i shiver at a bad note.
and today, the harmonizing was baaaad =x sources tell me they're seasoned singers and for some reason could not pull it off today.
do i cringe? hide it and bear it? remind myself that God loves us anyways so long as we're singing for Him?

awkward moment #2.
on our way to dinner, my parents start talking about googling and facebook. they GOOGLED me and fishy. my DAD has a FACEBOOK. if that's not the definition of awkward i don't know what is. thank goodness not toooo much comes up when i'm googled...but facebook is a different story. thank goodness for privacy settings. i'll be changing those as soon as i can.

awkward moment #139440294853.
me and fishy watched "i love you, man" today. really FUNNY movie. please go watch it. its FULL of the awkward. but awkward moments only compel you to do something about it...to make it less awkward...save yourself from the awkward...or unfortunately fail at saving self from awkwardness and making it even MORE awkward.

i emphasize with awkward.
i am awkward.
this blog is awkward =x
oh well.



i went to get my haircut today at sir gauuans hair salon and since we left the house early, i had to wait for about 20 minutes (my appt was at 11a).

i'm a people watcher...so it's hard for me to mind by own business (especially when something really catches my attention).

the two ladies sitting next to me were signing.
i love sign language. i think it's cool...but i try not to watch (aka stare) for too long cuz its equivalent to attentively listening in on their conversation...but it's not like they were whispering (the smaller and closer to the chest the hands are...the more "quiet" their conversation is)

anyway, the lady closest to me was bilingual and was speaking and signing at the same time to the hairdresser.
basically katie (the deaf woman) hasn't had a haircut in nearly a year and freaks out when she chops off more than six inches...she doesn't like layers...and hates getting her hair curled because it "takes forever to wash out". so kathleen (bilingual woman sitting closest to me) just said to "make her look pretty" because she was getting married. katie again contested against the curls...but kathleen reminded katie that her father was getting married so she should just do it for once in her life.

that said...i think katie gave in.

i obviously couldn't help to overhear so i ended up speaking with the bride and hence how i got more details than what i picked up from listening.

katie must be kathleen's future step-daughter (since kathleen is the bride and katie's father is getting married)

i started to create a backstory to this set of people i met at the salon.
i wondered if kathleen katie and her father met because of sign language...and if not...how they met...this quasi-cute romance began to bubble in my brain.

then my brain decided to segue and remind itself of a book i read recently called sundays at tiffany's by james patterson. the two main characters basically used to spend sunday's at this restaurant for lunch (but ate dessert) and watched people (couples, mostly) and made up stories about these people.

so that's what i did today.

and it got me thinking about the backstories of a lot of people that i ran into today...maybe not full life stories...but at least what they were thinking right at that moment...and such.

for example...
- the two ladies that were in front of me while waiting in line for the dressing rooms at ny&co. one room opened and another one soon after but one of the ladies didn't take the second room...i tried to offer it to her but she said they would just share.
really close friends? or more than that?
- my mom and i (me and my mom? rawr.) were walking through the mall and there was this obviously european woman kind of in front of us...she looked like she was going to approach but didn't at first (i kind of glanced over her)...and then i looked at her and smiled...and then she made a second attempt at approaching us...and then just as i was about to pass her by she finally spoke up and said "miss...can i stop you for a second and ask you a question?" i said sorry and kept walking.
what was she trying to sell? the "seacret" lotion and spa hand kit? a hair iron? was her solo dance of confusion and circles due to an insecurity to approach probable customers? was it her first time?

and so it goes.
i don't plan on stopping my people-watching habit anytime soon...and now i'll be adding the fun of creating backstories...every once in awhile at least...and it has me wondering...

if other people do this too...i wonder what they think of me? what they create as my backstory?


these are a few of my | favorite things

//031309-031509 version.

- dposs argonauts
- broadway
- in n out
- limo riding
- puppies and their interactions
- watching my friends while they're drunk
- discovering new breakfast places
- bunag|aaron|brent and their best man competition
- facebook wars
- shores
- spontaneity
- s'mores and sugar cookies
- catching up with friends
- coffee jelly
- adding moments to my happy box

'rent' | review

i LOVED it.
better than the movie.
better than the recorded live broadway that i saw at the movie theatres.

HELLA funny.
if you could take shots of comedy and a hangover meant puking out ridiculous improv...that's what happened.
they were feeding off of the audience energy and off each other.

it almost made me CRY.
twice. atleast.
two words. angel. mimi.

AMAZING voices.
i love the original cast (hmm...i love the cast from the movie...which was all original except for joanne and mimi)...but i loved the cast i saw.
the one who played maureen did idina proud. her riffs were wow.
and hearing adam and anthony live was unbelievable.

i'm glad i was able to experience this with company i enjoy being with :D


i miss my | sd loves

kp|kaba loves and shores, how I've missed you.

I've known about this trip to sd for awhile now..decided to come down to watch 'RENT' but the excitement really didn't hit me until the Thursday night when I was talking to michael fernandez.

It's been almost 3 months since my last appearance. And hanging out with everyone (opc and new loves) made me realize just how much I miss my life here.

Thank you for all the new memories and the reminiscing of old ones. I always look forward to next time.

I am currently blogging at shores. It's fucking cold, but I had to come visit. I didn't come in december so my self-deprivation of the peace I get from spendng time here needed some treatment.

I wish I made it for sunset.
Next time, promise.

//'RENT' review when I get back home. And maybe more details of trip. But as of now the fingers freeze over...


boycrazy | distractions

yup. there's no denying it.
especially during abcd|ai|stycyd season. that's when its the worst. LOL.

but i figure they're a good distraction. and at least they're not real crushes (so my heart never really breaks because of them).

because me and real crushes...well that relationship...haha.

yah. i prefer unrealistic distractions for now.
that's all :D


speaking of unrealistic distractions...i'm in need of another book to read. well not in need. because i have plenty to choose from...but that is where the problem lies...which to read...

do i go for harry potter to prepare myself for the movie this summer...or is it too early?
what about angels & demons? can it wait?
do i want to read another book about love ("p.s. i love you")?
or do i go out and buy another book (that will likely collect dust in my bookcase for a few months...)?

i just finished reading the fire (sequel to the eight) and i enjoyed it...but as it is with most 2 part (or more) sagas...my love tends to be with the first book (except for hp...my faves were...i just really hated that sirius died in 5 and dumbledore in 6...but i hated sirius' death more). anywho...thank you ms. lyons...wherever you are...for making us read the eight junior year.


and another sidenote...
i FINALLY watched the 'sex and the city' movie.
loved it! cliche-ish sometimes...but i really enjoyed it and can't wait for the sequel...no idea what to expect...and until then...i guess i can start watching the series (*gasp* yes...i wasn't a true fan...but i couldnt help not having HBO for awhile...and six seasons is alot to catch up on...i think)...thanks kat for starting my collection!

"ever thine, ever mine, ever ours"


ain't so bad at this | cooking bizz

i've been back at home for about 5 months now.
last month i finally decided to contribute to our home cooked meals. at least once a week. it's not much but it's definitely a start.

so far i've been taking recipes from this weight watchers recipe book that i have (because i want to be quasi healthy)...and so far so good!

we do a little improvisation here and there...due to insufficient grocery stores or forgetfulness of certain produce purchases or attempting to save a little money by using what we may already have at home.

it's actually quite exciting :D
and it makes me happy that they turn out decently well. i have yet to take pictures of the concoctions...maybe next time.

i love being over 21 with the parentals because its (finally) okay to drink with them. our recipe today called for brandy so while at bevmo my mom also bought a bottle of muscato to go with our dinner..."just because," hehe.

continue to refine creme puff recipe
try NEW dessert recipes


"hi my name is frank, and i collect secrets"

i love postsecret.

today i attended my 2nd postsecret event, this time in walnut creek at the lesher center for the arts (my first event was at usc last september).
this time around there was a gallery in addition to the talk by frank (the only stop on the west coast!!! so go check it out...it will be there until april 15).

even though the things frank spoke about were pretty much the same thing at both talks, the experiences were quite different.
the reactions to the "secret secrets"...questions asked...secrets revealed by audience members.

i dont remember all the secrets from usc...and not that i should be comparing secrets (how fucked up is that?)...so maybe the better phrase would be...i felt more connected|emphathetic towards the people who spoke in walnut creek. there was just something...different.

it was really nice to check out the gallery; but since there were SO MANY PEOPLE there after the talk, i'll definitely be returning to walnut creek to check it out again before it leaves the west coast.

i've revealed one secret at usc.
i think i know what i'll be sending in this time around.


quatre vingt dix


that's how old my apong baket turned on friday.
that's what we celebrated with a massive party today (saturday).

it was a surprise. like, seriously. she had NO idea.
we've been planning this fete for a month...sometimes right in front of her (it helps that she doesn't really understand english, heh).
we felt bad because by thursday she was wondering why no one was planning something to celebrate 90 because hey, 90 is quite a big deal.
she wanted a big gathering on friday/saturday...but no...we were all "busy"...with work...practicing dances for a "party in sacramento"

our guess at her reaction: surprise...get mad...playfully hit someone for lying to her (because she was calling EVERYONE to come hang out for her birthday)...CRY.
actual reaction: surprise...get mad...playfully hit someone for lying to her...no crying. oh well, hehe.

turned out pretty well. 189 guests...140something RSVP'd...expected about 150. PACKED.

and although it didn't run as smoothly as we wanted (when does it ever?)...i think it went well.
lots of dancing...yummy food...family/"family" reunion (cuz when you're filipino...everyone is family...pretty much)

happy birthday apong, may you live many more years to come <3



A girl drives into the parking lot of a mall. She walks towards the entrance of Dillard's with a "get in-get out" mindset. There is one guy about 15 steps ahead of her already near the door. They make eye contact.

The guy reaches for the door.

(turns around)
(with an alterior motive, almost flirtatiously)
hey, how you doin'?

(trying to be cool, calm)
i'm alright.

Guy opens door.

(creepily attempting to be inviting)
so do you like to party?

Guy keeps door open for girl.

(almost hastily, trying to escape any further conversation)
most days...

They walk into the store. Girl attempts to pick up the pace to get away.

most days? so is that a yes?

i guess.

Girl continues in attempts to give him the slip.

let me give you my card. i'm a...

(realizing what he was and attempting to be slightly nicer and therefore slowing her pace)
oh. you're an event...

guy (cont.):

guy and girl:


Girl walks away, further into the store. Guy heads toward entrance.

my name is...

Girl looks at card.


it's on the card. you should email me. i have an event in april.

Guy walks out and girl walks deeper into the store confused by this unexpected approach.

should i have said "no" to have avoided the whole conversation? would that have stopped him? what did i do to make him talk to me?

i was pretty sure i had "hi. and bye. i'm busy and i don't want to talk to you" written on my forehead.

i guess not.



i forgot that i've ever gone to detention. until today.

tangents lead to tangents and me and my best friend end up talking about the 6th grade. and included in these amiable memories was the fact that we were sentenced to detention.

i told my mom this and she said "the smart kids? detention?" lol.

it wasn't something bad.
i remembered something about "guns" but jane didn't. but then i put two and two together...i think.
so the story was that we (me, kat and jane and a few others, i think...the rest of the "smart kids" i guess) were planning a balloon fight (water balloon fight, i assume) to be held at school. we got in trouble because our names were on the note that was being passed around.

(water) balloon fight != detention

so...we must have been talking about water guns on the note too. maybe something akin to "we'll bring guns"

guns = detention. it must be.

we each had to call our parents and explain why we were going to detention. that must have been interesting.
too bad the parentals don't remember. that would have been funnier.

and ends the memory. immortalized on a blog so i don't forget it ever again.

haha. detention for planning a water balloon fight. i guess.



"babe" or "baby"
DO NOT call me this. especially if you don't even know me. even more so when you're helping me out at a shop.
i CRINGE when i hear couples call each other by these overused pet names. PET NAMES. do you really want to call your significant other (or have them call you) by a name otherwise used for a pet (if taken literally of course).
slap me if i ever call you babe. i'll do the same. lol.
oh yah. just because you're filipina and i'm filipina and you think you know my relatives. eww. why would you call me babe or baby? for some reason. sweetie|honey seems more appropriate. baby. *shivers*

talking with a full mouth
1) how do you expect to be understood when youre chewing. food makes mumbles even worse.
2) it looks gross
3) i can hear you chewing
4) just breathe, chew and then finish your sentence. that simple.

unneccessary mockery
if someone isn't laughing. stop. or i'll do the same to you. is it funny? probably not. so quit.


happy | valentines | day

i haven't said that in awhile.
because i decided to be bitter for a few years and called it "single awareness day"

but for the first time...i'm (decently) happy being single and am appreciating love for love.

so...happy valentine's day <3

i FINALLY got to see my gay friday night at fuz in sunnyvale.

i had hella fun /*minus the unnecessary drama at the end of the night =x*/
project em mans are sexies
i love gays...they make me feel good :D
the gay world is SMALL.

have u ever tried to go to sleep and the ticking from the clock just got LOUDER and LOUUUDER? that was me last night. w00t.

did i mention that project em mans are sexies?

ate lunch at squat and gobble. i miss farmer's market at ucsd.

massive pillow fight was madness!

got to watch "the vagina monologues" (my vday tradition at ucsd).
i must say...sf pwns sd.
i loved their interpretations...especially of...
'the vagina workshop'
'because he liked to look at it'
'say it'
'my angry vagina'
'little coochie snorcher that could'
'reclaiming cunt'
'the woman who loved to make vaginas happy'
basically everything. good job usf <3

grilled cheese sandwiches on sourdough are AMAZING.

good vibes <3


tears | i didn't realize i still had

ok, so i lie.
i know these tears exist...i just never know when it's gonna happen...because i'm not always sure what will spark them.

these tears are for my lola.

i think about her everyday, but i don't cry everyday.
but even after almost 3 years...it still hurts.

i was going through some stuff and attempting to organize (yet again) and i come across a card from her.

it was the last birthday card she sent me. and just seeing her handwriting i guess sort of freaked me out...and the tear ducts welled up and tears started streaming down my face.

i also cleaned out the bathroom drawers the other day...and found a business card with which i believe was also her handwriting...and it pretty much said "i will return"


i miss you. i'll never forget you. life is never-ending bittersweetness when i think of you.


new | favorite

first there was 'the sweetest thing'.
then came 'how to lose a guy in ten days'
then 'love actually'
and of course there was 'hitch'

and the many chick flicks, romantic comedies (whatever you want to call them) before their time...during...and after.

of course the four i've mentioned aren't the greatest rom|coms...but they're definitely (definitely? maybe...oh! that's on my list too! 'definitely, maybe') my favorites.

i do believe i've added another movie to my list of faves...
'he's just not that into you'

i read the book before hand (very loosely adapted i guess...considering it was a self-helpish book on relationships) and went in not having too many expectations except that considering the exciting cast...i had some high hopes of it being good.

and it definitely was.

i haven't related|sympathized|empathized|reacted so strongly to a movie in quite awhile...and i didn't leave feeling bitter|jealous|'ugh i just watched another cutesie chick flick'...i genuinely enjoyed it (with a few banters here and there because of the 'jerks' in the movie).

i enjoyed it.
i would pay to watch it again.
i can't wait for it to go to dvd so i can watch it whenever i want to watch a chick flick.

//i hope i didn't forget any other faves...if i did...i'll most likely come back to this, ;D


lots of | love

gabe bondoc makes me happy. i want one like him, haha yah right.

i love abc thursdays (but i also love abc sundays, cw mondays, and fox tuesday|wednesdays...i guess that makes me a love whore. oops).
ugly betty needs to bring gio back because jesse made me sad by being a selfish bastard.
grey's anatomy made me giggle too much.

nkotb + quest crew = LOVE.
my top three...well now i'm not so sure...at first i was pretty sure that quest crew | beat freaks | strikerz were gonna be the top three...but them fly kicks are pretty dope. sorry dynamic edition...y'all are cool...but you may be out next week. maybe.

i love arts & crafts. but i go ADD if i do the same thing too long...hence millions of unfinished jewelry projects...but my current project cannot be left without completion since they are for my apong baket's (grandma on my dad's side...ilocano) 90th birthday! waaaah. madness.

i'm exciiiiited for "he's just not that into you" and SFMoMA.
i'm even more exciiiiited for next week (fionna...excited for valentines? meh...i just wanna dance)



im missing | CDs!!!


so im near the end of the process of "organizing" all my CDs (and my mom's)...and there are SO MANY that i have yet to find!

and i'm kind of freaking out? is that gross? or is it justifiable?

i hope i find them soon...i don't want to buy them all over again...not that they will be that expensive (i hope)...and i don't plan on dLing anymore...i've done my share of that, haha.

//randoms cuz i feel like it
- yay steelers? i wanted the cardinals to win (woo underdogs!) but they put on a good fight...oh well.
- i ate too much today...i feel fat(ter)
- there are too many questions/doubts in my head now about things (yes, i love ambiguity)
- i'm really sad about my elliot yamin cd...i mean i have it on my laptop but STILL. rawr.
- i have a lot of things i want to do tomorrow and i still have yet to make a list...and as im typing this that list in my head is slowly disappearing...
- i can't believe its february already.

that's all. <3


music makes me | happy

lots of music related happiness and discoveries this week.

i listen to music most on my iphone or in my car.
therefore...i need to download more songs into iphone and also find/burn more CDs
therefore...i need to back up my old laptop and transfer songs into new laptop...and upload all my other backed-up music.

i love taylor swift's fearless album. ridiculously.

played the piano for the first time in awhile...makes me feel good. i need to practice more before i forget how to play again...well...not forget...but become incredulously slow at reading sheet music.

i want sheet music to adele's album.

i miss my 90s music.

(re)discovered CDs that made me smile:
janet jackson | every album (except for 'janet' and 'damita jo' since they are both in my car)
*NSYNC | self-titled
backstreet boys | self-titled
brandy | self-titled
all 4 one | self-titled, and the music speaks
mya | moodring
robyn | robyn is here
grease | movie soundtrack
bbmak | sooner or later

need to find:
michelle branch
new edition
a lot of things...hah.

yay good mood :D



my parents are gross.
in a good way, i promise.

it's kind of hard to find words for their relationship...but whatever those words are...i can only hope to one day find love like that.

i guess to me...they are my definition of real love...not perfect love (is there such thing?)...or "true love" (whatever that means)...but real love.

real love:
a comfortable amount of PDA
by comfortable i mean they obviously kiss and hold hands and such...but not to the point where i want to throw up from all the cutesy-woosty-ness.
silly fighting|arguments
they may have their fights|arguments over petty things (or not petty, sometimes)...but for one reason or another...they get over it in like...30 minutes (or less! really!)...it's quite entertaining to watch them go at it...and most times i join them in their laughter...maybe they're just quick to forgive? yah, that's it.
friendly battles of wit
they act like teenagers at points...like young people in love...they poke fun at each other...but they never hurt each other's feelings...lightheartedness


on another (very related note)...
got to talking about weddings with a very close friend today...and yah...now i can't think of full sentences...haha.

i'd love to find love and get married.

i don't have "my perfect wedding" planned

but i HAVE thought about
- what ring i would like
- what dress i would wear
- the kind of flowers i would use
- location (ish)
- my cake (well only sort of...i've seen some i like...that's all)

i wonder how he (whoever he is) will propose (whenever that is) every time i see a proposal on tv, in a movie, or in person (twice! in NY...one @ times square...the other in front of the most famous bridge in central park...forgot the name...so much for being famous, hah.)

i try not to think about the fact that i'm not necessarily on a track towards marriage

hmm. that's all for now :D



went to red hawk casino with the parentals today.

mostly to try out the buffet. which was pretty good. but i've had better?
but i have to say...first buffet i've been to that served creme puffs that i actually like (and that taste pretty close to mine! haha). so...kudos for that.

my mama gave me twenty bucks to gamble...so i donated it to the slot machine. maybe it was because i didnt know what i was doing...i was betting more than i wanted. oops. all good. cuz she won back what i lost, hah.

maybe when i have some money to spare...i'll try out this gambling business again...maybe.

reminiscing | and | puppy therapy

i was in need of time to clear my mind...and with no beach nearby...the dog park was the next best thing.

playing with puppies does WONDERS for my mentality.

but before that...

i decide to go have lunch at ono's today and as i sat there waiting for my food i saw someone at the counter who looked ridiculously familiar. could it really be my 6th grade teacher, mr. foss? no way.

he got his food and sat at the corner opposite me. for some reason i had to think of a game plan. do i go up to him before getting my food? after i finish eating? what if he finishes eating before i do? how do i stop him?

i end up finishing my food first and decide to go up to him. SO AWKWARD at first.
long story short...he recognized me in an instant and took a few seconds to remember my name. we chatted for a good half hour (if not more) about what has happened in the last 10 or so years since we've seen each other and things like that. it was cool.

then off to the dog park.
i loooooove puppies. played with presley...this beautifully coated dog named pearl (i wanted to spell pearl like perl, YUCK)...and a few other gorgeous dogs.
saw a shiba inu! but didn't get to play with it =\
there were HELLA huskies (alliteration, harhar).
all in all lifting my spirits and helping me let go of the anger from the night before.

i forgave him. i can't hold grudges for too long. that's good right?

then spent some time with two friends that ive known for HELLA long. basically since i moved to stockton...okay maybe the year after i moved here. so since we were like 3 or 4 years old. good times.

overall, good day.


it doesn't | FUCKING | help

[vent blog]

"you're eating AGAIN?"
fuck you. really? i mean fuck. im TRYING here and when i fucking slip up once because i want to/need to you go and make me feel like the fattest person on the planet.
i hate crying because of this. don't you know that it HURTS? that it doesn't FUCKING HELP me TRY to be healthy when you don't even TRY to be fucking supportive?

i wish you would read this...but i don't have the balls to show this to you.
the tears will stop...and i'll forgive you because obviously i love you.

i just wish you could understand...ease up a little...THINK once before you say shiet...be more sensitive...more EMPATHETIC...that's it...cuz i know you can be sensitive...but you need to understand where I come from.

this is one of the reasons why i wish i wasn't home.

[/end vent blog]


i<3 | john legend + estelle

if i didn't love john legend before...you bet your bottom dollar that i do now!
(where is that phrase from anyway? "bet your bottom dollar"? i shall google it later...)

monday was my 2nd time seeing estelle. she's super fun to watch and she's just amazing.

oh...not only was i within 2 feet of john legend...i touched him! haha.
i was trying to shake his hand but someone else's hand was there...so...i said hello to his arm instead, HAHA.

little did we know that he would be walking down the aisle for his entrance and exit. lucky for me and fishy that we HAD aisle seats AND were in the right aisle! w00t.

john legend = sexy.

in all | honesty

i don't think i'll be blogging EVERY day.

my life just ain't that interesting, haha.

maybe. sometimes.

i'll try to though...but i'm just trying to be honest with myself.

i'm not breaking my new year's resolution right? i'm...modifiying it. yaaaaah.


lazy | day

didn't do much today.

but that's alright. cuz i'm gonna see john legend and estelle tomorrow!



appreciation | of

took a (somewhat) small walking tour around UCSC today and my goodness it's pretty gorgeous. very very foresty...the redwoods are amazing...except for the fact that apparently they're not as tall as the ones in the redwood grove...so i'm excited for my next visit so i can go see those.
i miss being in san diego because i used to be so close to the beach...it looked beautiful today.
i guess i could always move to santa cruz...

went to SFMoMA today.
i love art and i'm beginning to have a few favorites and im getting better at recognizing certain artists.
participation art is super crazy|random|fun
i love the 1000 journals project. wrote in 3 today but i wish i could be a part of it by other means. we'll see...

excited to go back.


i am | happy | (?)

i'm in santa cruz visiting a really great friend of mine from ucsd.

i've missed her and having conversations with her so it was nice to finally be able to visit and catch up.

one thing that stuck throughout our conversations:
she says i'm a happy person.

i don't know if anyone has ever said that about me before...but i am very grateful to her for noticing that.
i am a happy person. a happier person.

just glad that it's noticeable and hopefully contagious :D

i guess i am keeping my promise lola :D


leaving it up to | fate

we'll see what happens.

went and did a little shopping today...came across borders so felicia could look for a bookstand...i wandered in the journal section and found one i really liked but decided not to buy it right at that moment.
because i figured if i was meant to have that journal, i would find it again the next time im at a borders.

got to catch up with my gay today (that's right, i said my gay). and long story short, i'm basically leaving a lot of my life up to fate.

new mantra. it'll be interesting.
let's see if i end up with that journal.


i aint lost | just wandering

today i drove to sf...mostly because my sister needed to be here by today...but also as yet another excuse to explore the city and visit some friends in the area that i haven't seen in awhile. good thing right?

fishy had a meeting near fisherman's wharf so of course i went with her. i attempted to find a library at the elementary school but gave up too quick and decided to walk around instead.

i ended up walking a total of 1.4 miles (to and from ghirardelli square) and noticed that i've done part of the walk before and rediscovered a location i visited only a month ago. looks like im familiarizing myself with the city, which is cool.

i'd totally move here just for the excuse to walk around.

random thoughts:
im still inhaler-dependent. well, quasi. walked up the steep hill(s) towards lombard/hyde only to realize we still had to go over a few blocks to get to lombard because we were on union. nearly died. ok, not really. but i felt like i really didn't have much left to breathe.
i hate getting scared. stupid fcuken shiet on youtube man. RAWR.



stuff i already know about myself but blogging about because they were really noticeable today...

i really do eat quite fast...
scratch that...i think it depends on the food and how hungry i am.
apparently today i was hella hungry. food wasn't that wonderful though. good, but not great.

it's hard for me to say no.
my sister and i went to get pedicures today and it took alot for me to say no to #3 (which is $5 more than #2, which i got, and totally didn't need the extra services of what was included in #3).
BUT the lady kept asking me if i wanted the wax (included in #3) ONLY because my sister got it (jealous of the lady who helped my sister? maybe...)
THEN she goes and asks me if i want flowers. i told her no. i was being practical. i just wanted to get my nails done because i hate doing it myself, and flowers are unnecessary in the cold weather (who wears opened-toed shoes in the winter? in the winter where its COLD?)
she asked once more about the flowers and i gave in.
but they're really pretty =]

i like buying movies.
my mom wonders why i buy them when i could just rent them from netflix or something. true, but i just like OWNING movies that i like. so that i can watch them whenever i want without having to wait for it to get into my mailbox.
i bought 'eagle eye' and 'pineapple express' today. both 2disc special collection versions. *shrugs*

i miss hula-hooping.
we bought wiifit on sunday and ive been playing with it since (as per my new year's resolution to get healthy). hula-hooping is the greatest. i used to be really good at it when i was younger. maybe as i progress with wii-hula-hooping i can get back to reality-hula-hooping?

i love google and thesaurus.com.
i like knowing things the instant i question myself about something. and when i write i am ALWAYS on thesaurus.com because its...amazing.

i love san francisco.
or something like that. im beginning to spend ALOT of time in the city lately, mostly because my sister goes to sf state, heh. i guess her going to school there gives me the excuse to go there more often...i'll be in SF tomorrow til monday.

i love watching live shows.
i dont know how many i've been to in the last 2ish years, but its ALOT.
i just said yes to watching 'rent' in SD in march and im going to see john legend on monday!
how exciiiiiiting!



if you succeed at failing, does that still make you a failure?

i love 'the first wives club'

i'm glad 'gossip girl' and 'one tree hill' are back

yay for wii fit

i hate folding laundry and cleaning my room. sometimes.



because we shouldn't just make resolutions to improve life for the coming year, but for the rest of our lives...

my resolutions...in no particular order other than that which pops into mind first...some are new...some are old...

1. be healthier. by being watchful of what i eat and exercising.
2. be quick to forgive. because life is too short to be angry for too long.
3. read. because i miss reading for fun. and i would like to extend my vocabulary.
4. blog. daily reflection is good for the soul. and i want to remember as much as i can about my life.
5. sharpen my skills. because not having a job sucks right now but if i don't continue to practice those skills i may never find the job i want.
6. be closer with God. by continuing to go to church every sunday and by reading the bible.
7. be smart(er) with money. because i've been way too careless before and i need think about what i actually need versus what i just want.
8. be happy. no regrets. take life as it is. everything happens for a reason. ultimate life mantra.

//i wouldn't mind this particular blog being a fluid one in which i continually update it as i discover other ways to make life a little better.



for the first time (and maybe the last, atleast out in the cold) i spent new year's in times square.
MADNESS x infinity.
COLDNESS x infinity.

but totally worth the experience. mostly.

list of the day's activities:
central park
pop burger
5th ave.
rockefeller center|top of the rock
times square

mcdonald's is NOT a place to find a girl, seriously.



goodbye new york, until we meet again.

list of the day's activities:
uploading pix from the nyc trip

filipino food tasts bomb.com after a week of hot dogs, burgers and pizza.



three days into the new year i finally make time to start on my 'new year's resolutions'

this is probably one of the first years in which i actually didnt make too much time to write out or even think about what resolutions i would like to make for the new year. this is probably because i spent the new year in nyc (a separate blog will be created for that...eventually).

so...as we waited for our flight to denver, i went to the mart and bought a drink and wanted to look for a magazine to pass the time. although i saw this magazine in newark, i didn't actually buy it until we arrived in denver

50 ways to improve your life in 2009.
that is the title.
and that is the reason for this blog.

so for the next 363 days, i will attempt to blog everyday, even if it is twitter like in its short-and-sweet type of entry.
just so i can honestly start reflecting outloud again, because i do miss it.

happynewyear, happynewme.

//more resolutions to come...